Free eBook

Integrative Care Case Management

The Mindd Handbook is designed to help parents and carers manage integrative treatments by offering information that helps them select and sequence treatments for the individual child.

The Handbook gives an overview of Diet, Biochemistry, Gastro-intestinal healing, Toxicity, Neurodevelopment, Behavioural and Allied therapies. The information provided can help you;

• choose the right treatments
• sequence treatments appropriately
• ask your practitioners the right questions
• gain the support of family, teachers, friends and health professionals

To download and print out a free Mindd Handbook click here

Mindd Handbook-Introduction

Dear Community;

This booklet aims to provide a framework to manage integrative treatment for a range of illness including Autism, ADHD, allergies, asthma, chronic infections, irritable bowel syndrome, learning delay and much more.

We have come up with the term Mindd to cover the wide range of illness that shares core causes and can benefit by a similar integrative approach. As a non-profit health promotion trust consisting of doctors, health professionals and parents, the Mindd Foundation is promoting effective biomedical and integrative therapies for Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic and Digestive Disorders (MINDD) that often effect the mind and which are presenting at alarming rates in our children.

This approach, focused on biomedicine, is most effective when someone serves as case worker and communicates clearly across all treatments ensuring that diet supports gut function, that gut function supports supplementation, that biochemistry supports neurotransmission and cognitive function which in turn supports neuro and behavioural therapies.

Promising results in the treatment of many pediatric disorders are taking place because this biomedical model addresses cellular health, a key component in disease prevention. Increased cellular and digestive health leads to an improvement in nutrient uptake which, in turn, assists neurotransmission in the brain enabling the child to benefit more from the allied and behavioural therapies designed to improve language, literacy, auditory and visual processing, sensory integration and motor coordination.

Illness is a sign to change. With so many childhood illnesses on the rise, we all need to consider the changes we can make. The rapid industrialisation of food, medication, communication and lifestyle are challenging our bodies to adapt quickly. A focus on whole fresh foods, toxic-free home products, integrative medicine, individualised education and a low-stress lifestyle can ease this evolutionary crunch.
Our children are telling us they need clean air, clean water, clean soil; wholesome food that is toxic free, unrefined and unprocessed; individualised education; and a medical approach that supports the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Lets listen to our children and enjoy the ride!

Health & Happiness!

Leslie Embersits
Director, Mindd Foundation

Mindd Foundation