Mindd International Forum 2019 – Practitioner Training

The Mindd International Forum Pracititoner Training provides clinic-focused, evidence-based training in Nutritional & Environmental Medicine and Integrative Healthcare.

Be among the best-prepared clinicians in the field, with knowledge on how to treat complex chronic illness and a broad variety of Pediatric conditions. Learn to identify and treat underlying infections nutritional deficiencies and toxicity.

Australian women and children are facing an epidemic of chronic illness. This training provides the clinician with a fundamental understanding of how chronic diseases can be classified by the stage of the healing cycle that is blocked and how unblocking this leads to vibrant health.

Practitioner Masterclass: Cellular Pathways for Chronic Disease Recovery
with Drs Elizabeth Mumper, Nancy O’Hara & Robert Naviaux

Healing Cycle Disorders: Strategies to Unlock Nature’s Strong Impulse Towards healing

Learning Objectives:

  • Understanding the 3 stages of  the “healing cycle” and how it relates to chronic disease
  • Understanding the role of systems biology, metabolic differences and hundreds of gene mutations in the “healing cycle”
  • Recognising the “social networks” of cells and how they collaborate to maintain health
  • Identifying blocks to the “healing cycle” and how to remove them to support self-sustaining health
  • Command of emerging research about the “healing cycle”

Attend via Live-Stream!

Watch and Listen to Experts from Your Home

If you live outside of Sydney or on the other side of the world, the Mindd International Forum 2019 is available via live-streaming for both Public Education (Food Is Medicine & Integrative Healthcare) and Practitioner Training.

Train, upskill and learn from leading experts in integrative healthcare, without leaving the comfort of your home.

Mindd Foundation