Rob Santich is a practising Naturopath specialising in Energy Medicine, Herbal Medicine and Paediatrics. He is the co-author of the recently published authoritative text, Healthy Children: Optimising Children’s Health with Herbs.
Robert Santich will be presenting at the Mindd International Forum 2017 on his unique perspective and extensive clinical experience with integrating energy medicine and the science and traditional uses of herbal medicine. He will be discussing these applications in treating children, as well as infections and the removal of toxins from the body.
Energetic Healing Designed for the Body Electric
The human body is, in many respects, an electrical bio-machine. Chemical elements in the body have electrical charges, like the cells in the sinoatrial node of the heart, which contain the electrolytes calcium, magnesium and sodium. When these electrolytes pass through cellular membranes, they discharge electricity.
Electrical signals are how the human brain and nervous system communicate in the body’s ongoing efforts to maintain homoeostasis—keeping a healthy balance within the body’s system of a wide variety of factors like pH, blood pressure, temperature and glucose levels. ECG (electrocardiography) measures electrical activity in heart muscle, while EEG (electroencephalography) measures electrical activity in the brain.

Science and the Energetics of Healing
Throughout the last century, there has been tremendous scientific interest in understanding the energetics of herbal medicine, as well as developing electrical signal-producing devices for health and healing. These healing modalities provide a synergistic approach to attain maximum patient benefits and therapeutic outcomes.
Energetic Herbalism
Energetic herbalism is a model of understanding the language and traditional uses of plants. It is a way of knowing the herb according to the plant’s energy and how it matches a patient’s condition. In herbal energetics, we look beyond systems of disease to the underlying cause of the disease. Herbal remedies are then prescribed to match that person’s physical, vibrational, and constitutional needs.
The Energy of Herbs
Traditional cultures throughout the world have used herbs according to their energetic effects on the body and mind.
Rob Santich has a heartfelt passion for traditional healing methods and ceremonies and has studied with both Australian Aboriginal and Lakota healers. He regularly visits the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota USA to do ceremonies and to study the many medicinal plants growing there.
Rob Santich, Naturopath, Researcher and Author
Aside from his clinical practice, Rob Santich is also a highly regarded herbal educator, lecturing in the USA and at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW in Herbal Pharmacy and Advanced Pharmacology.
Through his continual professional practice over 35 years, Rob has become renowned for his understanding and integration of:
- herbal medicine
- whole food nutrition
- energetic medicine dynamics
- …all without the use of excessive supplementation
Rob is also a technical consultant for the practitioner products company, MediHerb.