
Explore our Recipe page for a variety of nutritious, healing recipes designed to support your health and well-being. From gluten-free to anti-inflammatory options, find meals that nourish your body and align with your dietary needs.

Fish Fingers & Chicken Nuggets

By Sally Fallon

Preparation Time: 45 minutes
Cooking Time: 5-24 hours


  • 300 g firm fish fillets or 300g boneless chicken
  • 2 cups GF/CF crumbs


Process fish/chicken to a firm paste (will ‘ball’ in processor).
Place small amounts into crumb mixture.
Shape small portions to resemble fingers or nuggets.
Roll in crumbs to coat.
Bake in moderate oven or light pan fry in organic coconut oil or ghee.


Process any or all of the following suggestions to resemble breadcrumbs:
Rice crackers or rice cakes, instant polenta, corn flakes or other cereal for CF/GF. Raw almonds, hazel nuts and Brazil nuts for SCD/GAPS.