Mindd Forum 09 Sydney

Overview Schedule Speakers
Awards Dinner
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Forum Overview

Functional Medicine*Nutrition*Allied Therapies*Neuro Development

Integrative Healthcare to help every child reach their full potential-

Learn why childhood diseases have risen dramatically and what you can do about it.

Research confirms that there is an alarming rise in a range of childhood disease including allergies, asthma, ADHD, autism, and learning delay. Cutting edge medical science indicates that these seemingly unrelated conditions are medically linked by underlying issues of nutritional deficiencies, toxicity and infections.

An Integrative approach that focuses on Metabolic, Immunologic, Neurologic and Digestive Disorders (Mindd) can address a range of issues including concentration, behaviour, fatigue and overall health. This in turn optimises a child’s mental and physical health.

Most importantly an Integrative approach reduces the risk of long-term disease and often eliminates the need for treating symptoms with puffers, grommets, antibiotics, cortisone cream, antihistamines and surgery.


Why are so many children on medication and elimination diets? Why are our schools filled with nut & gluten-free policies? What is the connection between allergies and learning delay?

Did You Know?

  • Many learning and behavioural disorders are linked to digestive disorders.
  • Nutritional deficiencies create an imbalance in neurotransmitters which can affect behaviour, concentration, mood, sleep and addictions.
  • ADHD, allergies, autism, asthma often share an underlying chemistry characterised by nutrient deficiencies, infections, and toxicity.
  • A healthy diet is not adequate if a damaged gastro intestinal tract is not properly absorbing nutrients.
  • 70% of the neurotransmitters in your brain are also in your gut.
  • Allergies and nutritional deficiencies are often misdiagnosed as ADHD, learning delay or behavioural disorders.
  • Many children with learning delay have auditory and/or visual processing issues that do not show up on standard hearing and vision tests.
  • Antibiotics, “the pill”, refined carbohydrates, lack of breastfeeding, heavy metals and chemicals all disrupt the microbe balance of the gastro intestinal tract which can lead to allergies, poor concentration, language & behavioural issues, bedwetting and chronic infections.
  • Certain neurotherapies stimulate neuro pathways for improved attention, language and socialisation.


MIFOC ’09 will be held at the Australian Jockey Club in Randwick.
The following hotels are nearby and can provide accommodation.

For other good deals visit”;


Integrative care can help treat a wide range of symptoms that include;

behavioural issues
chronic infections
digestive disorder
ear infections
food sensitivities
memory recall
motor coordination
picky eating
stinky breath


Featured Lectures
International & Australian experts

Science sessions will educate professionals in Functional Medicine (research, assessment, testing and treatment protocols) with a focus on infections, toxicity, inflammation, oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, neuronal development, brain chemistry, sleep disorders, biofilms, pyroluria, epigenetics and nutragenomics. RACGP QA&CPD pending.

General sessions will help carers select, sequence and manage a range of treatments including diet, Functional Medicine , muscular/skeletal support, Primitive Reflexes, Sensory Integration, ABA, speech, SonRise, auditory processing, RDI, behavioural optometry, developing self-esteem, holistic dentistry.

Food Is Medicine will cover Nourishing Traditions (nutrient-rich foods we evolved to eat), Gut And Psychology Syndrome, Specific Carbohydrate, Body Ecology, Healing Foods, chemical sensitivities (amines, salicylates & oxalates).

Saturday Night Events – Screening of the documentary Healing Autism produced by D. Granpeesheh (5:30-7) followed by Healthy Canteen – Awards dinner.

  Learn about effective treatments & products. Best outcomes lie in skilled practitioners and educated parents.


Forum Schedule 2009


Health & Education Expo (15-18 May)

Dozens of exhibitors will feature products & services that support Integrative Healthcare and Lifestyle including books, supplements, food, personal care, healthy home and more.

The Expo is open to the public (those not attending the lectures) at a fee of $15.


If you are interested in being an exhibitor at our Health & Education Expo, please email admin@mindd.org with subject “MIFOC ‘09 Exhibitor”. Applications are subject to approval by Mindd Foundation.


Saturday Night

Film Screening of Healing Autism (5:30-6:30 pm)

Come see the inspirational stories of children recovering from Autism Spectrum Disorder with an Integrative approach that features Functional Medicine.

Healthy Canteen-Awards Dinner (7-10:30 pm) featuring Dr. Peter Dingle & Dr. Elizabeth Mumper with entertainment by some children reaching their full potential!
Join us for a fun, informative and informal evening to celebrate the community that is helping thousands of Australian children. The meal will include nutrient-rich and delicious food ideas for your school canteen as well as your whole family.



Sponsorship Information Package

Mindd Foundation gratefully acknowledges the vision and leadership of the following companies and organisations in recognising the need for the private sector to support a health paradigm that will allow all children the chance to reach their full potential.

Mindd Foundation