Mindd Foundation Ambassadors

Nicole Bijlsma

Nicole Bijlsma practices her love of environmental medicine in a rather unusual way: she is a building biologist, and has been in clinical practice since 1989. Nicole is an incredibly accomplished naturopath and environmental medicine practitioner. She has been featured on every major television network to comment on the health hazards associated with people’s homes, she has released a bestselling book, Healthy Home, Healthy Family, and in 1999 she founded the Australian College of Environmental Studies to educate people about the health hazards of the built environment.
Nicole stands out as a practitioner for her focus on building biology: the study of how your home affects your health, from the products you use to accumulated mould to electromagnetic interference and geopathic stress. She became interested in the field due to her infertility. After ten miscarriages, she was informed by a doctor that she had an immune disorder. But, keeping hope that she would one day have a child, she began to wonder whether her surroundings were having an effect on her fertility. She discovered that her bed was right next to the meter box, and that she was exposed to a high magnetic field at night. Furthermore, her house was near council property that was constantly being sprayed with pesticides.
After resolving to move away from chemicals and powerful electromagnetic fields, Nicole immediately noticed the difference it had on her health. And thanks to what she learned, she is now the proud mother of three healthy children.

Mindd Foundation