By Charlotte Carr

Hatchling Chick Devilled Eggs is such an easy, fun wonderful recipe for children. Such playful cute little characters and easy to make together.
Recommended Age Bracket: 12 months plus.
For the aioli, due to presence of egg yolk, it is recommended for babies 2 years old and above.
Note: Allergens present – Eggs
Gluten and Casein Free for the little ones
Serves: 6
Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 7 minutes
- 6 free range organic eggs
- 2 tablespoons aioli
- 1/4 teaspoon yellow mustard powder
- 1 kalamata olive pitted and cut into small even pieces for the eyes
- 1 x 5mm strip of carrot cut into small triangles for the beaks
- Fill a medium saucepan with water and bring to the boil over high heat.
- Reduce the heat to low so that the water is simmering, then add the eggs and cook for 7 minutes.
- Drain and when cool enough to handle, peel the eggs under cold running water. Allow the eggs to cool completely.
- Cut a small piece off the bottom of each egg (this will allow the eggs to sit flat when making your hatching chick). Cut 2cm (3/4 inch) off the other pointy end of each egg (these are the tops). Use a small paring knife to carefully cut a zigzag along the edge of each egg top. Remove the triangles of egg white in between the zigzag line.
- Very carefully remove the hard yolks from the egg white bases (you must do this gently because whites can tear easily) Arrange the bases in a standing position flat side down.
- Place the yolks in a small bowl with the aioli and mustard powder. Mix until smooth. Season with freshly ground pepper.
- Spoon the mixture into a disposable piping bag or zip lock bag with one corner snipped.
- Pipe the egg yolk mix into the hollow of each egg until it is at least 2cm (3/4 inch) overfilled (to make the head of the chicks)
- Once all the eggs are filled, top each one with the trimmed egg white tops and press down lightly. Press two olive eyes on one carrot beak onto each of your filled eggs to create hatching chick faces.
- Arrange your hatching chick devilled eggs on a platter and serve. Serve with oodles of love.
For more from Charlotte Carr, follow her at Baby Yum Yum